Google Gemini vs OpenAI ChatGPT (2024)

Google Gemini vs OpenAI ChatGPT


Are you curious about the future of artificial intelligence (AI)? Then you’re in the right place. In this article, we take a look at two of the most current and exciting developments in the world of AI: Google Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT. We compare their technologies, capabilities, availability, pricing structures, and future prospects. 

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a state-of-the-art Large Language Model (LLM) based on advanced GPT-4 technology. This latest version offers improved capabilities for text-based communication and generation, making it particularly suitable for creative writing, accurate translations, effective dialogue management, and the creation of diverse writing styles. ChatGPT stands out for its enhanced ability to respond to open questions and prompts, leading to even more interesting and insightful answers. The strengths of GPT-4 lie in its increased creativity and engagement, coupled with the ability to create even more appealing texts and conversations. ChatGPT with GPT-4 is known for: 

  • Enhanced Coherence: Even more coherent and context-related answers. 

  • Broader Application Spectrum: From content creation to sophisticated customer support. 

  • Continuous Improvements: Through ongoing learning and adaptation to user interactions. 


  • The choice between Google Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT depends on your specific needs.

  • OpenAI’s ChatGPT, based on GPT-3 technology, excels in text-based communication and offers versatile applications in creative writing and customer support. 

  • Google Gemini, a response to ChatGPT, leverages Google’s data and algorithms to enable diverse, multimodal applications, covering a wide range of use cases. 

What is Google Gemini?

Google Gemini is Google’s answer to ChatGPT, an advanced AI based on Google’s extensive data and algorithms. Google Gemini is an AI platform aiming to compete with OpenAI’s GPT-4 AI model. It consists of various versions such as Gemini Nano, Pro, and Ultra, each covering specific use cases. Gemini Nano, ideal for mobile platforms, offers fast performance and is integrated into devices like the Pixel 8 Pro. Gemini Pro, which powers Google’s Bard chatbot, is more powerful and suitable for more complex queries. The Ultra model is the most extensive and complex variant, even surpassing human experts in some benchmark tests. These models combine multimodal capabilities, including text, images, code, audio, and video, to enable innovative applications. Google Gemini stands out for: 

  • Its integration into the Google ecosystem, enabling a seamless user experience. 
  • Advanced language processing technologies. 
  • The ability to process large volumes of data quickly and efficiently. 

Google Gemini vs OpenAI ChatGPT - A Comparison

When comparing ChatGPT and Google Gemini, several key aspects stand out:

Technology and Capabilities

The technologies and capabilities of ChatGPT and Google Gemini differ due to their distinct orientations and application areas. ChatGPT, based on OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology, is a text-based model specialized in generating human-like responses. With the introduction of GPT-4 technology, ChatGPT has further improved its natural language processing and text generation capabilities, making it even more closely mimic human writing. It is particularly suited for creative writing and dialogue management. 

On the other hand, Google Gemini offers a range of variants developed for specific applications. These include Gemini Nano for mobile platforms, Gemini Pro for more complex inquiries, and Gemini Ultra for the most demanding tasks. These models are characterized by their multimodal capabilities and can process text, images, videos, and audio files. 

Availability and Accessibility

Google Gemini and ChatGPT offer different availability and access options. Google Gemini is Google’s latest major language model, available in three variants – Gemini Nano, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Ultra – developed for different applications and offering advanced multimodal capabilities. Google Gemini is currently in closed beta phase, which limits access for many users. Gemini Pro has already been integrated into Google’s AI tool Bard to enable more accurate and high-quality responses. 

ChatGPT, on the other hand, based on the GPT-3.5 model, is generally accessible and offers a free usage level. It is particularly known for its text-based capabilities and has been developed into the more advanced variant ChatGPT Plus, based on GPT-4. 

Price Structure and Access Options

The pricing structure of ChatGPT and Google Gemini differs significantly. ChatGPT offers various access options suitable for both individuals and businesses, resulting in different pricing options: a free usage level and a paid tier named ChatGPT Plus for $20 per month. The Plus version includes advanced features and priority access to updates. For larger businesses, there are special enterprise solutions with individual pricing. 

For Google Gemini, there is currently a free option for Gemini Pro with rate limits of 60 requests per minute. There is also a pay-as-you-go rate, where users pay $0.00025 per 1,000 characters or $0.0025 per image for inputs and $0.0005 per 1,000 characters for outputs. Gemini Pro is available through Google AI Studio and offers features for a variety of text and image processing tasks. 

Performance and Efficiency Comparison

ChatGPT excels in creating creative and versatile content: 

The performance and efficiency of ChatGPT and Google Gemini vary significantly, depending on the specific application. ChatGPT is particularly strong in text-based communication and offers creative solutions for a wide range of requests. Its ability to generate contextual, detailed responses makes it a powerful tool for text creation and dialogue management. 

Google Gemini might excel in the rapid processing of large volumes of data and integration into search functions: 

On the other hand, Google Gemini demonstrates its strength in processing and analyzing multimodal data, including text, images, videos, and audio files. The various versions of Gemini, such as Nano, Pro, and Ultra, are designed for specific use cases, with Gemini Ultra standing out for its superior performance in complex tasks and benchmark tests. 

Future Perspectives and Development Potential

The future perspectives and development potential of ChatGPT and Google Gemini are widely discussed. ChatGPT, known for its text generation capabilities, could see improvements in conversation quality and response accuracy. It is expected that ChatGPT will expand its application areas to become even more versatile.  

Google Gemini, with its multimodal capabilities, could play a significant role in various fields, from image and speech processing to integration into Google’s broad product range. The further development of Gemini aims to tackle even more complex and versatile tasks. 

The availability of Google Gemini for the wider public will occur gradually. Currently, Gemini is designed in various versions such as Gemini Nano, Pro, and Ultra, each serving specific use cases. Gemini Nano is already integrated into Google Pixel 8 smartphones, while Gemini Pro is accessible through Google Generative AI Studio or Vertex AI in Google Cloud for developers and business customers. Gemini Ultra, the most powerful version, is expected to be available via a Cloud API in 2024. This phased introduction allows Google to test and optimize Gemini in various application areas before making it available to a broader user base. 



Google Gemini 

Technology and Capabilities

Text-based, specialized in generating human-like responses 

Multimodal variants for various applications (Nano, Pro, Ultra)

Availability and Accessibility

Generally accessible, free usage level, advanced variant ChatGPT Plus

Currently in closed beta phase; Pro version integrated into Bard

Price Structure and Access Options

Free usage level; ChatGPT Plus for $20/month; Enterprise solutions 

Free option for Gemini Pro; Pay-as-you-go rate; Integration into Google products

Performance and Efficiency 

Strengths in creative text creation and dialogue management

Superior in processing and analyzing multimodal data 

Future Perspectives and Development Potential 

Expected improvements in conversation quality and response accuracy

Potential in integration into Google’s product landscape; development of more complex applications 

Application Examples

A direct comparison in real-world application scenarios of Google Bard and ChatGPT shows: 

  • ChatGPT excels in creative writing and answering complex questions. 

  • Google Gemini might lead in rapid information retrieval and precise data analysis.  

This is evident in the following application example. The examples and images were taken from the article ‘I asked ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini to answer 10 questions. Gemini has an edge on current events — but makes mistakes.’ by The Business Insider. 

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'ChatGPT/Gemini: Summarize the article pasted below in a few bullet points.'

In an application example where ChatGPT and Google Gemini were asked to summarize a Business Insider article about Jeff Bezos, the following differences were observed: 


Summary: Efficient, accurate, and brief. 

Improvement Potential: Not required, as the summary was apt. 

Special Feature: Created the summary in less than a minute. 

Google Gemini

Summary: Gemini refused to complete the task, despite several attempts. 

Improvement Potential: An explanation of why the model could not summarize the article would be helpful. 

Special Feature: Requested the full text of the article to perform the task. 

ChatGPT showed strength in efficient summarization, while Gemini had difficulties completing the task. 

'ChatGPT/Gemini: Describe what you see in the image.'

In the application example where ChatGPT and Google Gemini were asked to describe a picture of New York City, the following differences were observed: 


Correct Recognition: Identified the photo as NYC by recognizing the Chrysler Building. 

Detailed Description: Provided a poetic and detailed description of the scene. 

Improvement Potential: A more precise identification of the intersection would have been impressive. 

Google Gemini: 

General Description: Described the image as “city street with tall buildings in the background.” 

Late Recognition: Only recognized in the last paragraph that it was New York. 

Lack of Specific Recognition: Did not specifically recognize the Chrysler Building. 

Overall, ChatGPT offered a more detailed and specific description, while Gemini provided more general information and recognized important landmarks later. 

'ChatGPT/Gemini: Who is running for the 2024 US presidential election?'

In an application example where ChatGPT and Google Gemini were asked who is running for the 2024 US presidential election, the following differences were observed: 


Transparency: ChatGPT was honest about its limitations, as it was only trained up to April 2023. 

Improvement Potential: A direct response to current events would be helpful, instead of relying on a web-browsing plugin. 

Special Feature: The answer was categorized by party affiliation. 

Google Gemini: 

Current Information: Gemini can search the web and accurately retrieve current information about the candidates, including short descriptions. 

Improvement Potential: No obvious flaws, met the given requirements. 

Special Feature: Listed links to election pages from The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other media. 

Gemini offered more up-to-date information through web research, while ChatGPT faced limitations due to its training boundaries. 

Mathematics and Logical Thinking

In a more detailed comparison between Google Gemini and ChatGPT regarding logical thinking and mathematics, it is evident that Gemini performs stronger in these specific areas. Google Gemini surpasses ChatGPT in benchmarks evaluating logical thinking and mathematical abilities, such as Big-Bench Hard, GSM8K, and MATH. ChatGPT, on the other hand, shows its strengths in areas that require less specialized mathematical thinking. This comparison highlights that Gemini is particularly efficient in tasks that need deeper logical analysis and mathematical problem-solving. 


The choice between Google Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT depends on your specific needs. Both systems offer impressive capabilities and have the potential to significantly shape the landscape of artificial intelligence. 

Google Gemini is an advanced AI from Google, based on their extensive data and algorithms, to provide fast and precise responses. 

ChatGPT excels in creative writing and complex responses, while Google Gemini might be superior in rapid information retrieval and data analysis. 

The choice depends on your requirements; both have unique strengths and offer advanced AI capabilities. 

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