Earn Rewards by Supporting Your ElevateX Community

We strongly believe that’s it’s all about our community of individuals that love ElevateX. We want to help you spread the word about ElevateX by rewarding you every time, you do. 

Below you find a list of easy steps that you can do to support us.

And get rewarded.

How to Support ElevateX and Get Rewarded

With every step you take to support us, you will receive points that you can redeem. 

1. Follow us on LinkedIn

Earn 10 points. 

2. Give us a shoutout on LinkedIn by posting about us

Earn 15 points. 

3. Follow us on Twitter

Earn 10 points. 

4. Add your ElevateX project to your LinkedIn portfolio

Earn 40 points. 

5. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

Earn 10 points. 

6. Submit an open project

Earn 50 points. 

7. Join our freelancer community

Earn 50 points. 

8. Leave us a testimonial

Earn 80 points. 

9. Write an article about us and include a link to our website

Earn 150 points. 

10. Invite a freelancer to our community and earn €250

Earn €250. 

11. Refer a project and earn €2.000

Earn €2.000.

Benefits of Supporting Your ElevateX Community

Earn A Reward
Earn A Reward

Depending on how you choose to help us, you can either earn money, reputation, new clients, new projects, new talent, or gifts.

Help Build Our Community
Be Part of a Growing Community

You’ll be part of a growing community that will help you grow – wether you’re a freelancer, or a company. 

Build Valuable Connections
Build Valuable Connections

Our community is ultimately there to connect you with valuable new contacts and create great products. 

Thinking of other ways to support us?

We would be thrilled to hear your idea to support us and are open to any suggestions. Feel free to get in touch with us. We’re happy to hear from you. Questions? Make sure you visit our FAQ-center, or get in touch with us.

And get rewarded.

Join a Freelancer Community where you can Grow