
Freelancing Glossary

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The ability to quickly adapt to changing requirements and act flexibly to improve the efficiency and quality of projects.

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The process of invoicing for services rendered or hours worked for the client to ensure appropriate payment.


A document summarizing the requirements, goals, and expectations of a project, serving as a guideline for the freelancer.


The financial resources available for a project or task, ensuring cost control during the project’s progression.



The cooperative work between the freelancer and the client to achieve common goals and leverage the synergy of skills and resources.


Adherence to laws, regulations, and industry standards to minimize legal risks and ensure the integrity of the project.


The obligation to protect and keep sensitive information confidential to preserve the privacy and security of the involved parties.


A legally binding document that sets out the terms and agreements of a working relationship between the freelancer and the client, preventing misunderstandings and protecting the rights of both parties.

Cost of Vacancy

Refers to the financial impact that occurs when a position within a company remains unfilled. These costs include productivity losses, increased workload on existing staff, revenue losses, and possibly even losses of customers or reputation.

Cost per Hire

Refers to the total costs a company incurs to recruit a new employee, including advertising costs, personnel resources, and other expenses. This metric allows companies to evaluate the efficiency of their recruitment processes and analyze the cost per new hire.


The ability to find original and innovative solutions to problems to enhance the value of a project and gain a competitive advantage.


The exchange of information and ideas between the client and the freelancer to avoid misunderstandings and ensure smooth cooperation.

Confidentiality Agreement

A confidentiality agreement is a legal document agreed upon between two or more parties that governs the confidentiality of certain information or trade secrets. It specifies that the parties involved are obliged to keep sensitive information confidential and prevent its disclosure to third parties.


Data Security

The safety and confidentiality of personal or sensitive data during the project to comply with data protection regulations and maintain customer trust.


The time by which a project or task must be completed to avoid delays and achieve project goals on time.


The variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills in a team or organization to foster innovation and creativity.


The recording of information, decisions, and workflows during a project to ensure transparency and facilitate traceability.


External Recruitment

Refers to the process of a company recruiting employees from outside the organization to fill open positions. This can be done through job postings, using recruiters, or searching on online job portals.

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Constructive feedback on work results or progress to improve work quality and increase customer satisfaction.


The willingness to adapt to changing requirements or circumstances to effectively respond to new challenges and find solutions.


A person who works independently and offers services to various clients without being tied to a specific organization.



The discussion and agreement on the terms and conditions of a contract or project between the freelancer and the client to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.


The cultivation of professional contacts and relationships to create new business opportunities and promote professional growth.



The process of employees or freelancers leaving the company or project, including the formalization of separations, the return of company resources, and the completion of tasks to ensure a smooth transition and close any loose ends.


The process by which new employees or freelancers are introduced to a company or project, including providing information, training, and resources to facilitate their entry and promote their integration.

Owner Mentality

The attitude of taking responsibility for the success of a project and proactively overcoming obstacles to achieve goals.



The unauthorized use or copying of intellectual property to maintain the integrity and credibility of the project.


A collection of work samples that showcase a freelancer’s skills and experience, presented to potential clients.

Project Management

The planning, organization, and execution of projects, including time management and resource allocation, to ensure the achievement of goals.


Quality Control

The review and assurance of the quality of work results or products to ensure customer satisfaction and minimize rework.

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Remote Work

Working from a remote location, often via the internet, to promote flexibility and efficiency.


Revisions or adjustments to a work result based on feedback to increase customer satisfaction and achieve desired outcomes.

Risk Management

The identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks that could impact a project to avoid adverse consequences and ensure project success.



The ability to work independently and make decisions to promote efficiency and autonomy.


The skills and knowledge that a freelancer possesses and can apply to projects to create value for clients.



Freelancers are usually self-employed entrepreneurs and therefore responsible for managing and paying their own taxes, social security contributions, and health insurance premiums.

Time Management

The effective use of time to complete tasks and projects on time and set priorities to increase personal productivity.


Refers to the time needed to fill an open position within a company, starting from the publication of the job posting to the hiring of the candidate. It measures the efficiency of the recruitment process and can provide insights into the speed and effectiveness of recruitment.


Refers to the time span needed to hire a candidate from the moment they are first contacted or apply until they are hired. This metric measures the efficiency of the recruitment process and can help companies identify bottlenecks and optimize the hiring process.


Work Sample

An example of a freelancer’s work shown to potential clients to demonstrate their skills and work quality.

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The sequence of tasks and processes required to complete a project or task from start to finish to ensure efficiency and productivity.

Working Rate

The amount a freelancer charges per hour for their services to receive fair compensation for their work.

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Sören Elser ElevateX GmbH

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Sören Elser

Co-founder of ElevateX GmbH and your contact for the strategic use of freelancers.