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Job Profile

Front-End Developer

Front-End Developers are responsible for the user experience of applications and create user-friendly interfaces. At the end, they review and test the features and applications.

Front-End Developer Job Profile

What Is the Salary of a Front-End Developer?

The average salary for front-end developers is about 45,000€ gross per year. Developers with more experience, i.e., senior front-end developers, earn on average about 49,500€ per year gross. The salary increases fairly linearly with work experience.  
For freelance developers who focus on the front-end, the hourly wage is around 70€. 
Basically, as with most other IT jobs, there is no blanket answer to the question. The salary for front-end developers depends heavily on various factors. These can be, for example: 

  • The location 
  • The company 
  • The technical knowledge 
  • The work experience 

 As a rule, the larger the company the front-end developer works for, the higher the salary will be. Even in cities like Frankfurt or Munich, front-end developers tend to earn more than in Berlin, for example. 

What Is Front-End Development?

The front-end describes everything that the user of a software or website can see and “touch”. Another term for front-end is the “presentation layer”. Front-end development or front-end developers develop dynamic applications, such as applications, websites, or software.  
Front-end development is responsible for the user experience, designing and creating user-friendly interfaces. This includes design, menus, posts, pages, media, comments, and navigation through the corresponding interface. 
The next step is to review and test the features. For this, the front-end development also works closely with the back-end developers. 

A good front-end includes: 

Clean Code 
Clean code makes it easier to prevent errors and gives other developers a quicker and easier overview of the code you have written. 

A Good Performance 
Loading times are an important part of the user experience. If they are too long, they lead to a high bounce rate and less interest on the website. For this reason, the media used should be compressed as much as possible and the number of server calls kept as low as possible. 

A Good Design on All Devices and Screens 
Through Responsive Design, the interface can be adapted for all types of devices and screens. So, while an application may look coherent on a desktop screen, it may not look coherent on a smartphone. 

Structured Data and an Easy Understanding of the Structure 
The interface should follow a sensible structure. Easy-to-understand navigation and a good overview are essential for a serious view.  
A so-called breadcrumb navigation allows the user to be guided through the application in small, easy-to-understand steps. 

Social Media Details and Contact Information 
It is important that users have the possibility to find you on social networks or at least have a phone number. This way you can generate more traffic and draw attention to the website. 

Internal Links 
Internal links are links to related topics on your website. They help the user to follow up on related topics and contribute to a better search engine optimization. Thus, the website can be found more easily on Google. 

What Is the Difference Between Front-End and Back-End?

While the front end focuses more on the visual level of a software and makes sure that the menus work, the application or website follows a logical structure and users experience a good user experience, the back-end focuses on the non-visible part of a software or application. This mainly involves servers, databases or stored content.  

Example: If you upload private photo albums on a cloud, the front end is all you can see. The user interface, clickable options, and design. The backend, on the other hand, ensures that your photo albums are stored on the server and that you can access them at any time via the Internet.

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What Are Front-End Languages?

Front-end programming languages are the means to design clear and descriptive user interfaces. They are the “tool” of a front-end developer. As with conventional tools, there are programming languages that are better suited for some use cases than for others. 

In itself, HTML is NOT a programming language, since it is only used to write code and cannot be used to specify conditions or algorithms, for example.  
Nevertheless, HTML is the basis for almost every website on the Internet, because it is easy to learn and implement. 

JavaScript is probably the best known programming language and is used for almost all areas of front-end development. A “client-side” model is used for JavaScript, which reduces the load on the server and thus significantly improves the speed and loading time of a website. Even more well-known applications, such as Netflix, run on JavaScript. 

React works within JavaScript and is designed to improve the user experience. It is actually an open JavaScript library developed by Facebook. Because of the great variety that serve to improve the user experience, React.JS became one of the most famous and widely used libraries in the world. 

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple. For this reason, it is used for many applications that support Apple’s operating systems, i.e. iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Only since 2020 Swift also supports Windows. 

Angular is also not a real programming language, but a tool to create interactive applications and dynamic content. Especially for applications with a “feed” layout Angular becomes more and more popular. 

CSS means Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is used to design websites and together with HTML it is one of the most used tools for this purpose. CSS can be used to specify design aspects such as font size, font color, and other features. 

TypeScript is a variant of JavaScript. The name comes from the fact that every variable is given a type. Function parameters and outputs are also typed. TypeScript especially helps to avoid errors and also offers autocompletion, which makes programming easier. 

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Sören Elser ElevateX GmbH

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